Quaker ways

Our worship

Quakers share a way of life rather than a set of beliefs. We seek to experience God directly,  within ourselves and in our relationships with others and the world around us.  These direct encounters with the Divine are where Quakers find meaning and purpose.

A Quaker Meeting is based on silence, we seek a communal, gathered stillness.  The silence may be broken if someone present feels called to say something that will deepen and enrich the worship, something anyone can do, as all are considered equal.

Faith in action

Our Quaker faith leads to action.  Throughout our personal lives, we face the challenge to live with greater love and integrity.  Being part of a supportive community helps us to do this.  We have 'testimonies' to peace, truth, simplicity, sustainability and social justice.


We are committed to enabling everyone, including children and vulnerable adults, to participate in Quaker communities without suffering harm.

You can see our full safeguarding policy here.

Sussex West Quaker Meeting is committed to the robust implementation of these policies and practices.    There are three main strands to this work:

  •  the prevention of harm through careful checks and safe procedures
  •  the taking of effective action where harm is found or suspected
  •  the care of those who may be affected by harm

Contact details of the Area Safeguarding Coordinator: Mike Coote (07901 917174)

Sussex West Area Quaker Meeting is part of the national Quaker Safeguarding network and you can read more about our national work at Britain Yearly Meeting